Download sublime text 3.0
Download sublime text 3.0

  • Windows: Fixed access denied errors that could occur when saving with atomic_save disabled.
  • Windows: subl.exe command line helper accepts wildcards.
  • Download sublime text 3.0 windows#

    Windows: Popup windows are able to receive scroll wheel input.Fixed a typo in the "Save Workspace As" dialog.Fixed a long standing plugin_host crash triggered via modal dialogs.Fixed a crash that occurred when dragging rows scrolled out of view in the side bar.

    download sublime text 3.0

    Fixed a crash that could occur when directories are being rapidly deleted and recreated.Updated to a never version of leveldb, fixing constant low level CPU usage if the index becomes corrupted.Fixed tabset background being set to the wrong color on startup if different colored tabs are used.Fixed a bug with scrolling tabs, where a 1 pixel line would occasionally appear underneath them.Improved scrolling behavior when line_padding_top is > 0.Transient sheets (e.g., as created by Goto Anything when previewing files) are no longer added to the Recently Closed list.Fixed sidebar icons sometimes being invisible on startup.Fixed not being able to click on the selected row of the auto complete popup.Fixed Minimap refusing to draw on very large windows.Note that this change will have no effect if the hot_exit setting is left at its default value of true remember_open_files setting is now defaults to false.Improved some error messages when parsing.tmLanguage files may contain a hidden setting, to indicate they shouldn't be displayed to the user Improved Console Panel scrolling behavior.Added Edit Project to the Command palette.

    download sublime text 3.0

  • Goto Anything supports :line:col syntax in addition to :line.
  • Tweaked handling of syntax definitions and unused captures, resolving an issue with spell checking in Markdown links.
  • Added spelling_selector setting, to control what text is checked for misspellings.
  • Fixed a long standing issue with spell checking and non-ascii characters.
  • Fixed Ignored Words not persisting after exiting.
  • Misspelled words can now be added to the dictionary, in addition to being ignored.
  • Improved behavior of Goto Definition when using multiple panes.
  • Added Goto Definition to the context menu.
  • Right clicking on a URL will show an "Open URL" menu item.
  • Improved change detection for files that disappear and reappear, as happens with disconnected network drives.
  • Command Palette now remembers the last entered string.
  • New windows always use the automatic build system, rather than the build system of the last used window.
  • Improved handling of build systems that generate lots of output.
  • Build Systems may now declare "keyfiles" (e.g., 'Makefile' for the Make build system) to better auto detect which build system to use.
  • Reworked how Build Systems are selected ( More Information).
  • Fixed Redo sometimes restoring the selection to the incorrect location.
  • De changelog voor deze uitgave ziet er als volgt uit: Changes in build 3080 Op dit moment is versie 3.0 in ontwikkeling en zijn we inmiddels bij build 3080 aanbeland. Een licentie kost 70 dollar en is per gebruiker, niet per machine. Sublime Text is beschikbaar voor Windows, Linux en OS X. Onder de lange lijst mogelijkheden treffen we onder andere een minimap aan, de mogelijkheid om verschillende secties in een tekst te selecteren, die dan tegelijk bewerkt kunnen worden, syntax-highlighting met ondersteuning voor meer dan veertig talen, en de mogelijkheid om van macro's en op Python gebaseerde plug-ins gebruik te gemaken.

    download sublime text 3.0

    Sublime Text is een uitgebreide teksteditor die vooral programmeurs zal aanspreken.

    Download sublime text 3.0